Books, type and Cyprus
Cyprological Book Archive

Documenting type and image found οn literature and poetry books in Cyprus. So far, the archive lists more than 350 books, with the earliest find dating back to the 1900s. The archive gives access to books that were published in Cyprus or had a Cypriot author and/or publisher. The focus of the archive (and the parts that were scanned) are the covers of the books, the titles, credits and colophons. The project is type-centered. It gives the option of stripping all the elements of the book covers but the cover titles, which gives a better view on typeface usage, original lettering and type treatment on each book.

Side projects tab, features type and printed works, that were created as a reflection/reaction to the archive. The project is ongoing. Books and tags will be added.


If you have a question or a book that can be part of the archive send an email to omiros.panayides(at)

special thanks to: Moufflon Bookshop / Παττίχειο Δημοτικό Μουσείο, Ιστορικό Αρχείο και Κέντρο Μελετών / Αρχειο Οικ. Γιώργου – Φιλίππου Πιερίδη / Αρχείο Φοίβου Σταυρίδη Λάρνακα / Οίκος των Κυπριακών και Κυπρολογικών Εκδόσεων ΜΑΜ / Εκδόσεις Εντύποις / Armida Books / Βιβλιοθήκη Τεχνολογικού Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου

Omiros Panayides: Lead Coordinator
Marilena Petrou: Content Creator
Natali Touloupou: Intern
Marina Yerali: Archiver / Researcher
Mbloo: Website Development

Book Arts Lab / Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
Semiotics and Visual Communication Lab
Cyprus University of Technology